Monday 1 November 2010

Codes & Conventions of Psychological Horrors

Codes & Conventions
Genre: Horror
Sub-Genre: Psychological Horror             
The type of genre that I hoping to do for my movie trailer will be horror and the sub-genre that I will use will be likely to be psychological horror with some elements of the Slasher genre.
Psychological Horror films will generally rely on the characters beliefs, fears, and any hidden truths about the character or what they have done. Psychological horrors tend to involve ordinary people who tend to be the person subjecting the horror onto the other characters, very often the evil works of this character is not shown until the end or when the story of the horror is fully established.
Slasher films generally feature a lot of violence, blood and gore, murders are usually conducted with cutting tool but the killer may use a blunt object not usually considered to be a killing tool.

Example Films
§  Eraserhead
§  The Strangers
§  The Thing
§  The Blair Witch Project
§  The Haunting in Connecticut
§  The Sixth Sense
§  Dark Water
§  The Unborn
§  The Exorcist
§  The Omen
§  Gothika
§  The Shining
§  The Others
§  Paranormal Activity
§  The Ring
§  Silent Hill
§  The Village
§  The Uninvited
§  The Haunting

Very often psychological films will base its narrative on facts or actual occurrences in real life, this is true for films such as The Strangers which are based on a true story. Film makers often like to add if a film is based on true events because it adds value to film, and also increases the scare factor because the target audience will realise that there is a real possibility of the plot happening in real life. 

Psychological Horror usually tends to follow a number of conventions:
       The killer usually appears to be normal; there are not usually any usual physical signs that would identify the person as a killer, this is because they may lead an average normal lifestyle with no other possible reasons to point to the way that they are. 
       Psychological Horror films will generally rely on the characters beliefs, fears, and any hidden truths about the character or what they have done.
       Psychological horrors tend to involve ordinary people who tend to be the person subjecting the horror onto the other characters which often makes it difficult to identify who the killer is.  Very often the evil works of this character is not shown until the end or when the story of the horror is fully established.
       They rely on the audience’s mind to create the horror effect, with less gore noticeable like in Slasher films where the film is heavily dependent on it to create effect.
       In horror film trailers the audience rarely see the killers face, this helps to create an effect and mystery, but also increases the suspense in the film.

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